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soulandwheel x sourdough 9.22-9.24

Across cultures, religions, and demographics, bread has been an integral part of bringing people together since the neolithic age. The great equalizer, this simple mixture of water, flour and salt transcends societal boundaries, sustains, and connects. There are few practices more simple and intimate than breaking bread together.

Sourdough is a pop-up dining experience designed for guests to connect over a five-course meal with wine pairings and meaningful questions that will be served alongside each course. We will eat around one long communal table, broken up into smaller groups for the conversation portion of our time together. Questions are intended to foster deeper connection between guests as the night progresses.

Anyone may attend alone or with family & friends. We simply ask that you come with a spirit of curiosity, openness, and willingness to listen and learn from one another.

Come break bread with us.